Digital Technologies 

The study team works to optimize therapies and to ensure expertise and high quality services through expertise and the use of more modern technologies like laser fraxel  ultrapulsati for Facial rejuvenation and 3D fingerprint pad which avoids the hassle of material in the mouth.
Rehabilitation of aesthetic and functional cases is carried out by operating protocols with visible results before the start of treatment, thanks to the use of the most advanced digital technologies. Clinical case management is personalized and is done according to the expectations of the patient developing a detailed care plan after thorough exams, which are essential for a proper diagnosis

Sterilisation and Safety

Sterilization and Safety means the chemical-physical process responsible for the destruction of microorganisms and biological agents harmful to human beings.
There are several ways of sterilization, which vary according to the circumstances and to sterilize instruments. In our Study the sterilization of instruments takes place in 5 sequential stages:

• Tools are placed in a tank containing liquid disinfectant for 10-15 minutes;
• Subsequently they are rinsed by hand under running water and deprived of organic compounds using a cleaning brush;
• The instruments are again rinsed under running water, dried and wrapped in a special medical card with the date;
• The last process involves placing instruments, one by one, wrapped in a special machine (fractionated vacuum autoclave), which sterilized too at a temperature of 137° c and at a pressure of three atmospheres. This process lasts for 30-45 minutes;
• At the end of the sterilization tools are stocked and stored in special drawers.

After each visit all that cannot be sterilized by steaming (and Chair surfaces) is disinfected with an appropriate disinfectant liquid and then coated with an insulating film that is removed each time.

Conscious Sedation

Sedation is a technique that allows to obtain a State of anguished sensitivity reduction while remaining awake and fully conscious through the administration of a mixture delivered through a nasal mask. This practice is absolutely risk free and is suitable for all including children.
During conscious sedation, the patient is able to
• Maintain verbal contact and collaboration during treatment;
• Autonomous maintenance of airway patency and protective reflexes such as the reflex of swallowing and coughing;
• Neuro-muscular relaxation associated with a State of mild analgesia;
• Maintain adequate sedation without risk for the patient;
• Relieve anxiety.